In our quest to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable youth, women and children in Budhutu Busibe, Kamuli district of Uganda, an innovative program/project called Suubi farming project was birthed to help uplift the struggling farmers of Budhutu Busibe.
From initial field research, it was established the locals had almost all what it took to do small scale farming to sustain their families and expand i.e. land, time and manpower. All they lacked was starter capital.
Amacue foundation with its partners established a model where a farmer was to be given either a calf, two piglets (Female & male) or a young goat on condition that the first siblings were to be given to the next in line farmers under the scheme.
The project started with 33 animals and 25 members on inception and has gone on to grow to 189 animals given out to over 75 members.
This initiative has ensured sustainability with minimum supervision.
This is a continuing program under Amacue foundation and benefiting many locals of Budhutu Busibe community.