Period Poverty is a real threat in Uganda. Most girls and women in Budhutu Busibe use pieces of old/rugged clothes to manage their cycles. However, this is unhygienic and challenging for the girls with a heavy flow since they easily spill.
Stigma attached to menstruation or the inability to afford period products stops girls from going to school, putting them more at risk of entering child marriages, experiencing an early pregnancy, malnourishment, domestic violence, and pregnancy complications.
It is from these findings that Amacue Foundation realized could make a difference in our community through Reusable Sanitary pads making .
The objectives of this project include;
- To reduce the girl school dropout rate in Kamuli District.
- To supply suitable, quality and affordable reusable sanitary pads to girls and women in Kamuli District.
- To increase the availability of reusable sanitary pads to girls and women.
- To lobby and advocate for girls and young mothers.
- To fight stigma against menstrual health and Hygiene.
- To liaise with other stakeholders on menstrual health and hygiene management.

We recruited volunteers to aid in proposal writing to seek for resources and we successfully secured funding for the project. We therefore held an inception meeting with Trainers of trainees and we;
- Reiterated the project goals and objectives.
- Selected beneficiaries of the Pad making training and these included mainly girls, young mothers and women aged between 14 to 45 years.
- Recruited volunteers
for the welfare of the TOT sessions and - Selected Pad making Training dates.
We successfully booked a training location, engaged Trainers, booked sewing machines and materials to be used during the implementation of the Pad making training.
We successfully implemented the Trainers of Trainees (TOTs) Padmaking training sessions on the 7th and 8th October 2023. We had over 50 participants. 15 TOTs and over 40 Trainees aged between 14 and 45 years. Some of the participants had tailoring knowledge so they used tailoring machines and some didn’t so they hand stitched.
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the people who worked tirelessly on this project mentioned below;
The Pollination project – Project sponsor
Lydia Hensen (GEM Business Consult) – Grant Researcher
Bukakande Primary School – Training Location
Kasoone Patrick – Field Coordinator
One Project Foundation and VOTU – Collaborative Organizations
Amacue Foundation – Staff